The "MUED" was founded in 1977 as a self-governing organisation consisting of math teachers out of all types of schools. Their goal was to change the math lessons which often lack of practical relevance.
At least since PISA the modern pentathlon – showing, imitating, practicing, testing, unlearning – has served its time. Since 1977 MUED contributes to another class culture, according to these triangular correlations:
From the beginning on it was a network of like-minded people who create practical oriented teaching units together. They wanted to try these in their lessons and exchange experiences.
This started from scratch but now it is a non-profit association with over 700 members out of german-speaking countries. It has over 1100 teaching units available for members. The teaching units cover nearly every subject of the maths lessons in secondary schools.
A new style of teaching requires new teaching material.
- The heart of the "MUED" are the teaching units.
- The material database can be searched after many criteria.
- In the shop you can buy complete brochures.
- The worksheet of the month always refers to current issues.
- In the shop-section "mathmatics to grasp" you can buy valuable material like our "Klickies" and the "MEXBOX".
In order to extend our idea we organize yearly annual confereces and seminars.
At those events fellow teachers are presenting examples out of their lessons to discuss them. Based on those teaching experiences we are able to continue our programmatic development.
Out of the annual confereces we publish four newsletters a year. |